Wednesday, July 27, 2011

From Lemons...

    People ask us constantly why we chose to home school over public or private school for our children. Monday gave us a perfect example why, and one of the most proud moments of our lives.

    Pa works in a local company that is in the middle of a union contract renewal and things were getting a little rough. He had expressed his concerns with the way things were going and wanting look for another job or really get our started businesses off the ground.  Monster, was listening to our conversation.. we don't hide much from the kids, we feel its important that they learn early what comes with responsibilities of working.

    He waited until we were done, and then he turned to the hubbs and said, "Daddy, don't worry about that job anymore. We can just expand my lemonade stand to sell more things, and you and mommy and peanut can help me sell stuff." Genius.

    So you might ask why this has moved us so. Our son, at 7 years old under our instruction, is learning the importance of self reliance. The ability to provide a service or product for the public. He has no fear of "daddy doesn't have a job." Because he knows there are other ways to provide income. The one thing the American Education System has been built to create, good obedient employees, our children will be free from.

    When we returned home Monster sat down with his colored pencils and paper and began feverishly creating (little to his knowledge, yet) a business proposal.  It was a very proud moment for Pa especially, he has worked hard to create an atmosphere for our kids to learn more ways to be creative with their earning.

    From a small lemonade stand, selling lemonade and iced tea, he created an avenue for each of us to contribute to. Pa was to sell primitive goods and lessons, he would stick to snacks,drinks and garden plants, Peanut to sell pets and pet care items, and Myself, to create and sell crafts and clothing. As cute and entertaining it all is, he's not so far off. Of course there would be licenses for certain things but his basic plan is a good one, and extremely obtainable.

    Leave it to the innocent mind of a child, to see through the haze of life's complications and find the simplest solution.

    Today, I share this because the basic principle of this story is important to us all. His energy and desire has moved us into action.. To face the fear of failure with the excitement and thrill of doing what we set out to, and loving it. If we fail, so what, we've all got to fail to learn.. We'll just get up and do it again, and again, until we get it right. In the end, the joy of the accomplishment, and knowing we never gave up, will make the journey to the free life all the more worth while.  That is what life is all about after all, right?

Get out there, and do what makes you happy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hello Ya'll

Well well, it's about damn time! I know.

I often tell my husband (and myself) we should really blog our endeavours for the family and friends who are not always around to experience or see all the fun (and sometimes crazy) things we do. So for my first blog, I'll take a moment to introduce myself and the family and give you all a little insight to US. And what you can expect from our weekly, maybe sometimes daily... blogging.

the garden, in the beggining!

The hubbs, who will be referred to as Pa, and I are a just turned 30 couple who are currently constrained to small city life with our 2 kiddos, Monster our son, is 7 and Peanut our daughter, is 4 (both nicknames given by us or friends..). We live in a modest home with our 4 yr old beagle, Honey and a small farm errupting in our back yard. we have 4 chickens, 3 rabbits and a 374 sqft. garden taking up as much space in the yard as possible without running out of room for kids, and a fire pit of course!

Our focus is family and learning everything we can to be self sustaining, and green.. We're not anywhere near what we would like to be but we're getting there! Hopefully this blog will help us document our growth from our meager beginnings to our eventual goal, a full fledged self sufficient FARM!  We're thrifty and creative and love to repurpose anything into a new and useful life, alot of these projects will be documented in blogs to come....

A local favorite inspiration, Marie Zimmermann Homestead
We do hope that in sharing what we have learned, and will continue to learn along the way, we will inspire our friends, family, and even some new comers to explore any avenues of adventure they find interesting or exciting!  Until we meet again, do what makes you happy!